
Acorn Preschool is open during school term time. Our day is divided into a 3 hour morning session and a 3 hour afternoon session with half an hour for Lunch Club.


  • 08.45am - 11.45am    Morning session


  • 11.45am - 12.15pm    Lunch Club (optional - see below)


  • 12.15pm -  3.15pm    Afternoon session


You can choose for your little one to stay all day or alternatively just the morning or just the afternoon. Please note that the Lunch Club option is only available to those children who attend the morning session or who are staying with us all day.




Current Fee Structure 

  • £15.00 per 3 hour session (either 08:45-11:45 or 12:15-15:15)
  • £4.00 for Lunch Club (please note: lunch club fee is payable even if your child is entitled to government funding).
  • £34.00 for the full day (08:45-15:15) including Lunch Club


Government funding is available for all three and four year old children and starts from the term after their 3rd birthday. This covers the cost of up to a maximum of 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year.


In some circumstances, your child can be eligible for 30 hours of childcare per week if parents are working.


Some two year olds are also eligible for funding, the amount will depend on individual circumstances.


For further information on government funding for pre-schoolers, visit


Acorn Preschool

Dussindale Primary School

Vane Close




01603 436934


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