At Acorn Preschool, we use the secure online learning journal recording system Tapestry. Tapestry enables parents, who have registered, to view their child's learning and development at any time on their home computer, mobile phone or tablet using a secure unique password. We also encourage parents to contribute photographs and comments they would like to share with us about what their child has been doing whilst not at preschool. Working together in this way provides a record of your child's development and progress during their time with us. Your child's key person will assess how your child is progressing by observing them during play and recording this in their online learning journal, including photographs. Information contained in your child's online learning journal is confidential and only shared with other agencies with your consent.
The learning journal gives you a wonderful insight into what your little one gets up to during their time with us and is something you can keep once they leave. We hope that you will also contribute towards the learning journal with details of their activities and achievements at home.
Parent consultations
We are happy to discuss your child's development with you at any point, in addition we hold parent consultations every term. This gives you the opportunity to chat with your child's key person about how they're getting on.